Sunday, August 21, 2011

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

The Water, is it calm as we see?

The most soothing sight of the world, any form of it can generate enormous amount of merry and sense of calmness in the minds, yes i am talking about water...

It can fall as rain on you to bring out the emotions kept in the secret chamber of heart, it can stay as a lake to give a pleasant rejuvenating sight.

The lake was calm that evening as she appeared on the bank, cannot we assume that everything is calm in the morning.

In fact there was no lake, no water, it was a desert with a girl in solitude with deep thoughts and long awaiting as do the lake. The lake was only an extended picture of the emotions, but is the water really calm?

Solitude produced calmness, but cannot believe that solitude can help in any way to be calm, if we go near to the person we can hear the heart burning inside, the exchange of words happening inside the mind with different view points, so do the lake, can hear the murmurs as we go near

We can go to the edge of a lake and hear it but how can we go to the edge of a heart and sense the emotional boiling happening inside due to the solitude??

How can someone be alone in this populated world ? why we can't be in relations always, why break ups creating much bigger gaps than a single person.

How can we go near to a person emotionally when that person is isolated from relations

As far as i know from my experiences, we can establish relations with anyone even with the most detached person! A break up always gives an impression that relations could hurt deeply so that person could stay away from relations as he/ she knows the pain of parting.

The other danger of going near and gaining confidence of such a person is that we should be careful to keep that trust up, cannot impose another painful loss.....

The art we have to learn is to be near to them but stay in a distance! provide the confidence of support but same time keep ourselves away from giving wrong concepts about the intentions, tough an art to learn but will be great if you can earn it

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Are big boys allowed to cry?

If u look with the power of concentration of your mind behind the pair of eyes you have, you will definitely see man who cry for silliest of things and woman who face toughest of situations, But you are right to a great extend. male do appear as having the ability to resist the river of tears from the eyes even when the situations is so much demanding his tears.

Here comes the point, the society, male child learn to be bold or appear bolder than his female counterpart. The society teach the boy to resist the flow of his emotions even the temptation of the situation is great to break his wall of defense. similarly the society demand the girl child to be quick reacting to the emotional stress.

The male has to appear bold in front of the society as per the social norms so he tries his best to be as bold as other male he see. its that simple. But not 100% of the male community can fulfill the demand set by the society because of his behavioral differences, so he cries...

i guess i served your need

Why does one partner loves more than the OTHER?

a simple question to you, why red is more reddish than blue?

your question is similar in logic, each and every person in the world are different in emotions and behavior, no one can be same, Its surely not the extend of love of one person which has more importance, it is the ability of the person to express his affection towards his/her partner.

The expression of love of a person is depended upon various factors from the family environment to the education level he/she posses.

There are certain unwritten rules in the world or in cultures where people start to believe that there must be a limit for expression of feelings or emotions so some people restrict themselves within those social or family norms.

There is one more factor, the level of expectation of the other person in the relation, sometimes the partner can be so realistic and capable of understanding the reason for his/her partner's inability to disclose his/her feelings. in others they fail to accept the inability of the partner to express. They demand more.

So lets formulate it finally

partners A and B,

A expect B to express the love towards A , but B fails to do so as B has inability in expression

i am just saying one combination of situation here, you think and find other possible reasons and tell me