Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Are big boys allowed to cry?

If u look with the power of concentration of your mind behind the pair of eyes you have, you will definitely see man who cry for silliest of things and woman who face toughest of situations, But you are right to a great extend. male do appear as having the ability to resist the river of tears from the eyes even when the situations is so much demanding his tears.

Here comes the point, the society, male child learn to be bold or appear bolder than his female counterpart. The society teach the boy to resist the flow of his emotions even the temptation of the situation is great to break his wall of defense. similarly the society demand the girl child to be quick reacting to the emotional stress.

The male has to appear bold in front of the society as per the social norms so he tries his best to be as bold as other male he see. its that simple. But not 100% of the male community can fulfill the demand set by the society because of his behavioral differences, so he cries...

i guess i served your need

Why does one partner loves more than the OTHER?

a simple question to you, why red is more reddish than blue?

your question is similar in logic, each and every person in the world are different in emotions and behavior, no one can be same, Its surely not the extend of love of one person which has more importance, it is the ability of the person to express his affection towards his/her partner.

The expression of love of a person is depended upon various factors from the family environment to the education level he/she posses.

There are certain unwritten rules in the world or in cultures where people start to believe that there must be a limit for expression of feelings or emotions so some people restrict themselves within those social or family norms.

There is one more factor, the level of expectation of the other person in the relation, sometimes the partner can be so realistic and capable of understanding the reason for his/her partner's inability to disclose his/her feelings. in others they fail to accept the inability of the partner to express. They demand more.

So lets formulate it finally

partners A and B,

A expect B to express the love towards A , but B fails to do so as B has inability in expression

i am just saying one combination of situation here, you think and find other possible reasons and tell me

is there any difference between soul , spirit , heart or mind of a person or they are the same thing and where does they exist in human body ?

heart is the physiology, mind is the psychology and soul is the imaginary representation of mind

Ladies, read when your man has no time for you

Have you heard that "men are from mars and women are from Venus?

It simply mean the requirements of both are different emotionally, the longing of having a listener especially her partner is so high in a female, she likes to explain each and everything happened in her life each day, But most men find such minute explanations as irrelevant and they get irritated and try to escape from the scene.

You thinks that your b/f is less interested in you. No need its true, its just a feeling, to be more accurate its a biased thought. You are reaching on that conclusion from your point of view, he must be having an explanation to provide.

friend, the way to express love and affection is different in each and every individual, just try to understand him more, its surely not a surrender or compromise, its simply called understanding and its so essential to keep relations alive, try to think from his angle too before you claim that he lacks love towards you.

If he is really thrifty is showing the love towards you, talk to him and say him that i expect more, or explain him that what all you expect from him, lets see how he react to your requirements.

Love is not only a feeling its an expression too. if someone fail to do it perfectly they will be accused to be less romantic.

And let me tell you a final point, sometimes excess expression of love could irritate the partner, keep that it mind, if you are not getting an expected reaction from your b/f just try to learn the situation,he could be diverted in thought, its better to be defensive at that time, i mean if you feel that your b/f is not listening to you or not giving the attention don't start complaining at the same moment, give him some time to come back.

Sometimes life changes so suddenly..!!!! its like.. all is so well...cannot get better... and then the next thing.. everything seems to change..??

man is a rational animal, he is capable of handling changes in life, life can't be constant for anyone, the uncertainty or the unpredictability of life is the interesting part of the life which makes us interested to live.

Every day will not bring good experiences to people. you could be leading a happy life and suddenly a single day can change the perspective of your life. a day can come with unimaginable quantity of changes into one's life.

now the interesting part, how to handle such changes. There is no single specific way for handling all those issues caused by changes in life, if you can tell me the specific situation you are in, we can discuss further.

finally a single sentence, there is no such change which cannot be afforded by a person, The time can train the person to adjust with the changes introduced in his/her life...

why r we so partial? wht is d reason dat we develop a liking towrds one thing or person ? even if we dnt wnt to b biased we actually end up so

Bias, its in every human and psychologically its a property of man. I can't agree with some earlier claims that bias is based on some fulfillment of desires. We even stay biased without any advantage or satisfaction.

Our attitude and perception have great role in it, When i say attitude the word personality automatically comes in, Take the word in a broader sense, the feelings, the behaviour, the responses, the thoughts of a person can collectively called as his/her personality, let me make one point clear i am not stating any of the theoretical definitions of personality.

So let me put one important aspect in front of you, We all have a tendency of following others, especially if one person is successful in life or acceptable by society, We like to talk to them, we like to interact with them, you can imagine its the beginning of star worship

Don't think i slipped from the topic, just coming to the point, One statement

WE tend to be biased to certain people because they are acceptable in society, the reason could be different in different people, lets don't go to that part, If you think further you can define certain rules like this for bias.

I just started with one and surely its not the only one. try to put few more rules on the same post,

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

ഇവിടെ തുടങ്ങുന്നു

അങ്ങിനെ എനിക്കും ഒരു ബ്ലോഗ് !!!! ഇന്റര്‍നെറ്റ് ഉപയോഗിച്ചു തുടങ്ങിയിട്ട് വര്‍ഷങ്ങള്‍ ആയെങ്കിലും ഇപ്പോളാണ് ഒരു ബ്ലോഗ് തുടങ്ങാന്‍ തോന്നിയത്, ആദ്യത്തെ പോസ്റ്റിനു ഭാഷ മലയാളം തന്നെ ആകട്ടെ എന്ന് കരുതി