Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Are big boys allowed to cry?

If u look with the power of concentration of your mind behind the pair of eyes you have, you will definitely see man who cry for silliest of things and woman who face toughest of situations, But you are right to a great extend. male do appear as having the ability to resist the river of tears from the eyes even when the situations is so much demanding his tears.

Here comes the point, the society, male child learn to be bold or appear bolder than his female counterpart. The society teach the boy to resist the flow of his emotions even the temptation of the situation is great to break his wall of defense. similarly the society demand the girl child to be quick reacting to the emotional stress.

The male has to appear bold in front of the society as per the social norms so he tries his best to be as bold as other male he see. its that simple. But not 100% of the male community can fulfill the demand set by the society because of his behavioral differences, so he cries...

i guess i served your need


Rashmi... said...

I completely agree with you, the fact that men have always been called the stronger of the sexes, and so considered to be the protector. The emotion of crying on the other hand is considered to be a sign of weakness, a sign of feminity, so the association of a warrior with crying has always considered improper.As he rightly says all men cannot handle the burden of not expressing their, the so called weaker side, so this takes the form of agressiveness. According to me, not because i am a girl, i feel being able to show your emotion is the strongest thing, and i give the greatest honour to those men who cry, and specially in this world, where you might be considered gay if you cry.

enigma said...

well...i would like to ask a personal question to Mr Gopan himself. is he safe from all these biases and traditional/cultural beliefs abt men and sentimentality...emotional expression?
i hv come across ppl who feel allowing themselves to even experience an emotion is being vulnerable..they are all very intellectuals...but if i hv 2 ask them abt emotional maturity...its one area they not sure wats maturity...
its not dat if u can or cannot cry...
its abt if u allow urself to b natural in gvn situation..without shame!

Nithya Menon said...

Isn't it also a kind of male ego which plays here. Its deep rooted that male gender is rather strong.
Btw , crying actually whether hits ego or not, def it will ease the pressure. It is proved scientifically.

Gopan K said...

Ego cannot be inborn the society and the environment nourish certain egos in people, "male gender is rather strong." no male is born with such a thought the society gives him hints in that direction so that he believes so.

I simply tried to say that male tries to raise upto the expectation of the society as the society imposed certain images about him on his head

Unknown said...

Its natural to feel pain when hurt and the obvious reaction is either you cry or turn it into anger mentioned society has a big role in shaping a personality ....but point is society is made of us people only ....

In my opinion each individual would like to cry out when in pain its a natural outburst but will resist it for being shunned by people...

Its good to actually take out pent up emotions I do it :) but yes not in front of people but when I am alone :P

By the way me too would like to ask do you show your emotions or practice society's teaching of hiding it cos that's not manly :P


Gopan K said...

Its not natural for me to cry, in fact i have never had a situation where i had to cry but i tried to hide it just because i am in front of the crowd. May be i am not that expressive in the case of sadness